Dariusz Czepiel FotografiaPhotographer's Price List

Below there’s an updated price list of my photography services. I decided to maximize simplicity of my offering. In each option the customer has the final decision whether to agree on me publishing the photos on my website or not. I also offer to customers full control over the photo selection process – it is you who choose which photos will be edited and delivered.

And if you do not see a package that fits your needs –  just message me for individual offer!

Mini Session

Mini session is a short 15 minute session nearby Park Jerzmanowskich in Krakow. I can offer flexibile appointments and quick turnaround times ideal for someone who simply needs 1 or 2 photos. Not in a studio, not where you want, but where I am located and can offer a 15 minute walk with my camera and you.

portret biznesowy podczas mini sesji na prokocimiu

Mini Session - 200PLN

Session Length: 20 minutes

Photos: 3

Additional Photo: +40 PLN

15-20 short session in form of a walk that we do nearby Park Jerzmanowskich in Krakow, Prokocim district.

Customer selects which photos will eventually be edited and delivered..


This package is good for  individual sessions, portraits, business, couples & engagements given that 2-3 photos are enough and the place does not matter. 

More about a mini session here.

Book your session!
mini sesja portretowa fashion na prokocimiu z patrycja
sesja walentynkowa wykonana w Krakowie przez Dariusz Czepiel fotografia dla zakochanych

  Photo Sessions

Any type of photo session that we can do outside, in the city, park, on location that has access to natural light. Usually there's no additional cost involved, however if a location required payment to shoot there, you need to cover that payment. We are weather dependent when it comes to outdoor sessions.

If you need a session indoors then an additional charge for studio / apartment rental may be needed.

fotografia rodzinna wykonana w Krakowie w dzielnicy Prokocim

Photo Session - 700 PLN

Session Length: 1 hour

Photos: 10

Additional Photo: +40 PLN

Session location (in Krakow) we choose together.

Customer selects the photos that will ultimately be edited and delivered.

Outdoor session is good for individual sessions, portraits, business and casual sessions, family sessions, engagement and couples and all other ones we can do outside without renting a studio or place.

Book your session!
sensualna sesja kobieca w krakowie z modelka w zoltej sukience siedzacej na podlodze w zwmyslowy sposob

Additional Cost:

Below is an estimate of potential additional costs if you need any of the below items. Actual costs I will be able to provide while discussing your session in more details and knowing the date.

Additional hour of work: 300 PLN (+5 photos added)

Studio or apartment rental is a custom additional cost depending on date, timing and specific place – it’s also a custom quote.


The above is an indicative price list that should give you an idea how much you’ll have to spend to book my services. If the above list does not meet your needs send me a note with specific details of your needs and perhaps I’ll be able to offer you a custom quote.

Cracow Photographer – Contact me

Whether you are interested in my offer or if you need a custom quote for a service not listed here, please fill in the below form to let me know your needs.

I respond in less than 48 hours, if you don’t get my message by then, send me an email to foto@dariuszczepiel.com as it may be a system malfunction.

In the meantime feel free to follow me on instagram

zdjecia dzieci krakow

Sesja Portretowa Krakow

sesja dla zakochanych kraków narzeczeńska

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